Saturday, August 13, 2011

♥ volunteer untuk IRM?

sesiapa yang nak jadi sukarela, untuk IRM, boleh klik SINI. kalau yang ingin menderma pun boleh juga.IRM stands for Islamic Relief Malaysia.dijamin badan ni tak songlap duit tu ok,diorang akan pastikan setiap derma korang akan sampai kepada yang sepatutnya.


Islamic Relief Malaysia said... REPLY

Assalaamu'alaikum! Thank you so much for helping us spread news about our organisation. What makes us unique is that we not only open doors for people to donate money, but to also volunteer and donate second hand items for us to sell (we do a sort of garage sale that we call "2nd best item sale".

Semoga Allaah membalas jasamu walaupun sepatah perkataan. Baru2 ni website kami di-hijack, so it really means a lot to us. Thanks banyak2

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